St. Paul Skokie is home to The Niles Township Community Clothing Closet, an organization that supplies families in need with coats and necessary clothing. The Clothing Closet provides two to three gently used outfits and a set of new socks and underwear to each child so that families can focus on learning and not worry about appropriate clothing for school. It relies on the community to provide donations of gently used clothing.
While the focus is on the needs of those in our local schools, we try to provide what we can to anyone who is in need – children and adults. The organization relies on referrals from local social workers to primarily serve children attending school within Niles Township (Lincolnwood, Morton Grove, Niles, and Skokie). Adults needing assistance are invited to contact their local social workers at Niles Township Government or the Village of Skokie’s Human Services, who are also able to provide a referral to the clothing closet. Families must have a referral from a local social worker and must make an appointment in order to receive clothing.
Donations of clean and gently used clothing may be dropped off anytime at the back door of our school building, through the parking lot off of George Street. Tax documents can be provided as proof of donation if you contact our church office first. For more information on how to volunteer or donate to this cause, contact our church office at 847-673-5030 or office@stpaulskokie.org.